How a 9 Year Old Boy Leaves a Legacy
Every now and then you get a glimpse of heaven. And your legacy.
I have a son-in-law, Phillip. He comes from a family of 13. His youngest brother, David, is 9 years old. On Wednesday, David was crossing the road to get the mail when he was hit by a pickup truck. He was killed instantly.
Yesterday, a celebration of David’s life was held. The family switched locations to allow for the expected crowd. More than 700 people filled the church as a witness to David’s life and his family. 700 people.
Mind you, these are ordinary people. John and Carole have carved out a life raising kids. John is not an executive of a corporation, the leader of a big company or someone who has achieved great headlines. He just smiles a lot as he leads the congregation of his family. Carole just loves and serves. They are known for that—serving.
In the memorial, David was described as “all boy, full-throttle, active, loud” and of course “always smiling.” One family described the loss of David this way, “David was my favorite because he always loved me and made me feel good.” His energy was contagious, and he was just hard not to like. That’s what they will miss the most.
You see even a 9 year old boy leaves a legacy. David was loved, and he loved others. He lived really well—with energy and gusto. He drained every single ounce out of his 9 years. And in David’s life, John and Carole see their legacy—a little boy who touched the lives of all around him.
Every day we write a little piece of our own legacy—in the way we live, in the way we encourage our children to live. Those little pieces become chapters and ultimately stories to be read by all.
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Published December 15, 2015
Topics: Family Legacy