I Got a Letter from Herman the Other Day…

I Got a Letter from Herman the Other Day…

by Bill High

Herman was one of our first clients. He’d had an account with another donor advised fund firm. But he switched to us.

He liked the fact that our mission was about building the kingdom of God. If he was going to pay an administrative fee, he wanted it to come to us. But the fact that he wrote a letter tells you something about his era. His charge to me always was to “build the Kingdom of God.”

At the same time, he didn’t want to pay too much in fees. So when he wrote the letter, I knew something was up. And sure enough, a simple scan of the letter told me that he was complaining about the minimum monthly fees charged by our national office.

So I called Herman. It was good to catch up with him, to reflect on the old days and the common people who had spurred us on in our walk with God. He took a moment to lecture me about how, when organizations get “big,” they tend to institute policies like minimum monthly fees so they can “keep their boat floating.”

Best of all, I was pleased to tell Herman that we’d changed our back office and that the efficiencies we’d created allowed us to lower our overall fees and get rid of the minimum monthly charges. Lower fees + no minimum monthly fees = more Kingdom impact. He liked that.

It was a good reminder. Be about the customer. Be about the Kingdom. The other things will take care of themselves.

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Published May 25, 2018

Topics: Generosity

Charitable GivingDonor Advised Funds

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