The Presidential Race and Compass Settings
The front and center news of the day continues to be the presidential race. On the surface, it appears to be a game as the candidates and the voting public sort out the ultimate nominees.
Underneath that process, however, a values clash is taking place—a struggle between where we’ve come from and where we’re going. Old-line establishment candidates reflect a generation of people geared toward faith, family and freedom. On the other hand, some candidates push at the establishment notion and cry out for change, promising they will reflect the will of the people. Still others claim they’ll reflect the wishes and desires of a new and younger generation of voters. Trump (let’s call him by name) reflects the outspoken voice that seems to carry anger at the process itself and the state of our country.
How does one sort it out? Personally, as I consider the discussions, I’m wary of those who seem to shun the past and solely call for a new day.
We are a country that’s been made rich by the fabric of the past—even with all of its imperfections. We must not throw out the past because of its problems. In my own life, it’s easy for me to look at my family, see our past weaknesses, and be tempted to dismiss our past. The truth, however, is that my past informs me, giving me legs to stand on as I peer into the future.
My compass settings must always have a point of reference—rooted in the past and pointed toward the future. The greatest leaders of our day and the greatest leaders of the past have always reflected a certain sense of nobility, honor, generosity, gentleness and courage—even in the midst of their own shortcomings.
Look to those who set the course for the future while still keeping sight of the past.
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Published April 7, 2016
Topics: Culture Commentary