The Largest Source of Nonprofit Funding Might Surprise You
What’s the biggest source of nonprofit funding? I’ll bet you would have a hard time guessing. It’s not donations by individuals.
Maybe the Rich Aren’t So Stingy After All?
Sometimes it’s easy to blame the rich. Tax the rich—after all they make so much money—at least the adage goes.
The Transforming Power of Gratitude and Generosity
A simple attitude change can make a surprising difference to our mental health and wellbeing, while also inclining us toward greater generosity….
A Cure for High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Depression, and Anxiety?
I have a friend who says that in describing people that we are all like sheep. And “sheep just want to be…
The Science of Generosity
An April 2015 Chronicle of Philanthropy cited a growing field related to a “growing cadre of behavioral economists, neuroscientists, psychiatrists, psychologists…” etc…
Your Foolproof Guarantee to Happiness
We spend most of our lives waiting for our “when.” When I get that promotion. When I get that new house. When I…