The legacy mindset is being faithful

The Legacy Mindset: How Do You View What You Have?

The Legacy Mindset: How Do You View What You Have?

by Bill High

Are you succeeding at the wrong thing? A healthy legacy involves a mindset shift from the norms of the American Dream.

When AJ began his business, he began with little thought to legacy. Mainly, he thought about surviving for the first few years. But eventually he crossed that hurdle, and the business actually reached a point of solid sustainability. He could breathe easier.

Eventually, the momentum shifted, locations increased, employee count grew, and profitability rose. The business was thriving.

But business success is not the point of legacy. Or to put it differently, the accumulation of wealth is not the goal.

In order to succeed at legacy, AJ needed to undergo a mindset shift.

Here’s my challenge: are you as intentional about investing in your family as you are in building your career or your business? Do you bring the same seriousness and thoughtfulness to a vision for your family?


Legacy mindset: faithfulness

Faithfulness is the heart of legacy. It is the idea that we’ll be faithful with what we’ve been given. God has entrusted financial resources, but He has also entrusted us with far more valuable things: the people in our lives and our ability do them good.

When faithfulness becomes our core, our possessions become secondary to higher priorities: loving God and loving people.

For many of us, a primary arena of faithfulness will be our own families, investing ourselves to help children and grandchildren thrive. If you have children, God has called you to be faithful to pass on biblical values to them and to their children. No children? You too are to be faithful with the people whom God has put you in a position to serve and bless.

We’re to be faithful stewards of our talents to work and create wealth, yes. But we’re to bring the same intentionality to investing in the people in our lives. 

Aiming to be faithful keeps us centered on success in God’s eyes. It helps us live a legacy defined not by material wealth but by healthy relationships, rich purpose and lasting impact for good.

If you want to get started with your family on exploring and transferring these kinds of values, a great place to start the conversation is by choosing to give as a family.


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Published February 15, 2019

Topics: Family Legacy

FaithFamily BusinessFamily LegacyValues

Comments 2

  1. Reading this but it was linked to a previous article about Jeremiah. As a single person, how do you this being applied? The passing on the of values? Recently God had me launch a business. I’m almost seeing it as passing on my values through the business arena. Thoughts?

    1. Post

      Mila, thanks for your comment. Your question prompted me to update this post to better include singles and couples without children, which, as you pointed out, I’ve written about in posts like The Surprising Legacy of Jeremiah the Prophet. Being married or having children is not a condition for legacy, although I have plenty to say to people with children and grandchildren! Passing on values can take place in the business arena, as you say, or in the context of a church, through mentoring relationships, with nephews and nieces–you get the idea. The concept of faithfulness is to love and serve God and others in whatever situation or circumstances you find yourself.

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