Investing as Ambassadors
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.” (2 Corinthians 5:20a)
In the same way that the political ambassadors of our day serve as representatives of their home countries while living abroad, we, as followers of Christ, live on the earth as representatives of heaven.
We are here to represent the culture and the values of the kingdom of heaven, and to be a conduit through which God makes His appeal. But can we do that in our investments?
As we mature in the Lord, all areas of our lives increasingly reflect a culture that contrasts sharply with the world around us. Rather than simply seeking returns or trying to gain wealth, our investment choices become a reflection of our understanding of God’s nature and ways.
Motivated by our desire to accurately represent Him and honor Him, a greater level of care is needed to ensure we understand how portfolio profits are derived.
Given the popularity of less transparent, fund-style investments, many investors simply don’t know which companies they own. Thus, many are unwittingly profiting from industries like tobacco, gambling, or abortion that they would find objectionable and directly at odds with God’s plan for humanity.
As an investor of God’s money, we can apply an “Ambassador Filter” over every investment opportunity by asking ourselves these questions:
- Am I representing Jesus well as His ambassador if I invest His money in this company or fund?
- Does this company honor, serve, and bless people, as members (or potential members) of God’s expansive family?
- Do I have enough information to know if this investment would be pleasing to God?
How Can I Invest Like an Ambassador?
For Christian investors who choose to work with an advisor, it’s important to find an advisor who understands these special considerations. Ask your advisor if they offer Biblically Responsible Investing strategies (and don’t assume that all Christian advisors are knowledgeable about this topic).
For DIY investors, you can screen your investments for moral implications for free at or Also, check out for a list of faith-based investment options to help you get started.
Interested in learning more about faith-based investing? Get the 2019 book, Investing & Faith, to which Rachel contributed.

The Generosity Bet
God has given you the ability to make a difference in the world. It’s time for you to unwrap this gift and discover the secret that leads you to true fulfillment and significance.

Investing and Faith
With contributions from experts in this exciting field, Investing & Faith explores the impact of investing guided by biblical ethics.

A Generous Life
Learn ten steps to help you establish a generous mindset, determine where and how much to give, create a legacy plan, and more.
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Published January 24, 2020
Topics: A Life of Faith | Family Business